Visual PR x Evil Empire

Visual PR Collaboration

Evil Empire has teamed up with Visual PR to help clients maximise their return on investment in online content.

Visual PR, founded by Swindon entrepreneur Chris Dawes, helps its clients to reach audiences through the creation of live (or nearly live) chat show-style programmes. 

The popular offering has been well received, with clients broadcasting a wealth of content via YouTube, social media channels and websites. The shows can also be turned into audio-only podcasts to further the reach.

From one-off shows to regular episodes, Visual PR’s output is produced through its online virtual studio suite. The shows can include interviews with multiple guests at the same time (either in-studio or remotely). As with a TV show, there is the ability to incorporate different camera focuses, angles, B-roll footage and more to create professional, engaging videos which genuinely connect with the audience.

To help clients maximise the impact of their investment with Visual PR, Chris Dawes and his team have partnered with Evil Empire to help businesses and organisations strategically roll out the content in a methodical, impactful and logical way.

“Visual PR produces some of the best content we have seen – highly professional, entertaining and informative content that would be an asset to any business or organisation. The issue many clients face, after making that all-important investment in quality audio and video, is not having a structure in place to amplify it to their audiences online. 

“This is where the partnership with Evil Empire comes in – we can put that part of the strategy in place and execute it in an organised, timely manner to ensure that Visual PR’s masterpieces get what they deserve – maximum audience attention.

“It’s great to be working with Chris and the team. Our shared values of increasing the ROI and impact for our clients will bring benefits for all parties.”

Sara Witham, Evil Empire

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“Sara and the Evil Empire team are well-versed in rolling out content through a range of online outlets. What this partnership does is help our clients to drip-feed messaging and leave breadcrumbs for audiences to follow, lengthening the shelf-life of the videos and podcasts significantly and keeping feeds live with relevant, professional and timely content.

“Through the partnership we can offer a fully comprehensive solution to clients to get the most from their marketing spend whilst keeping audiences up to date and engaged.”

Chris Dawes, Visual PR

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